Labels:chat room | crt screen | gazette | laptop | monitor | person | reckoner | silver screen | windowpane OCR: AppleShare Print Server Version 2.0 File :1 Printer Window . JneoelWriter Spooter queue +8+ Stal ImageWriterto Spooler Queue LaserWriler Ptus Spooler Qteue Stat LaserWriter INT Spoaler Queue 8tal laserWriter II NTH Spoole Quete Status:The print server is printing or "812 Mktng 1+ Status Docoutnt Usei Date/Time Pages To[X] Mark Neubieser 5/13/89 55:41 AM Overview Features Benefits With the AppleShare' Print Server Print ispooling Improves workgroup prxkctivily you Macintosh car continue He working Applc HGs" your documents can Elimin:tes are continue waiting being working printed because: while 11 accept their Apple CT MS-DOS computer whilc youT docurnents fron multiple users at the same documents are being printed Lirme. while the printer is lusy on an AppleTalk -networked Sirtultaneuus su ...